The B.fresh 5:2 Plan
Diet Struggles
On paper, weight loss is easy. Simply create and maintain an energy deficit for an extended period (e.g. months). But in practice this can be incredibly difficult.
Reducing energy intake can increase hunger and cravings, impacting your mood. Restricting certain foods can become a stressor in itself and diets then become a test of one’s willpower.
In recent years intermittent fasting has become a common method used in weight loss. The 5:2 diet is essentially a variation of intermittent fasting, but instead of a daily energy deficit, the 5:2 diet relies upon a 2-day energy deficit.
5 Days of Freedom
On 5 days of the week you eat normal meals, including nutrient dense, protein and fibre rich foods to optimise your health, but also foods that you enjoy to avoid excessive restriction that will often lead to diets stopping or even failing.
2 Day Diet
Then on the other 2 days you reduce your energy intake to around 25% of your maintenance needs by consuming only micronutrient-rich juices and shots, and water to create a large energy deficit, which is critical to driving weight and fat loss.
Some 5:2 diets promote a complete fast on these 2 days, but that can be challenging and may impact long-term health. Instead B.fresh encourages you to consume a variety of juices to ensure a steady intake of vitamins, minerals and water.
The Research
One of the major benefits of the 5:2 method is that it's super simple and much easier to follow. Research has clearly shown that adherence or consistency is THE most important factor in any successful weight loss diet ( That means all diets fail because of poor adherence and inconsistency.
The Results
We have developed this plan to produce 1 kg or 2.2 lbs of weight loss per week, assuming you follow the plan consistently. Although this will vary considerably from one person to the next, we have had people lose 2 kg or 4.4 lbs in the first week.
The 5:2 diet can be used as a short-term tool to support weight loss, but equally it can become a simple and sustainable way to manage your weight long term. It allows the flexibility and freedom to enjoy your favourite foods and eating out with family and friends, with just 2 days of restriction.
So rather than a short-term quick fix, we see our 5:2 as a long-term lifestyle.
To find out more and start your 5:2 lifestyle visit: 5:2 Diet - 1 Week Supply – B.fresh