Change in 2025
The New Year is approaching fast and change might be on the horizon. It could be a change to your daily exercise regime or to your diet to optimise your health, and the way you look and feel. But change is hard. Changing habits is incredibly challenging and recent research has suggested that some bad habits can take up to 1 year to completely break.
Understanding and appreciating the fact that change is hard might actually be quite liberating to you and will likely benefit you in the long run. Let’s look at the science of change according to leading social psychologists. Social psychology suggests that there are 5 distinct stages of change. Understanding these stages can help you through the process of change.
Stage 1: The dream stage
This is where change is simply an idea in your head. That might be about now, as you dream about doing more exercise, eating healthier and sleeping better. You have a clear picture in your mind of what you want to look and feel like come spring and summer 2025.
Stage 2: The leap stage
The leap stage will likely come between Christmas and New Year or perhaps even as late as January 2nd. This is the first step in your change and takes courage and bravery, as you step outside of your comfort zone and challenge yourself.
At this stage you need to consider adopting the behaviours that will support you in this change. Developing a simple timeline can be useful, wake up and rehydrate, have breakfast with a turmeric shot perhaps, be active during the morning and go outdoors in natural sunlight if possible, take a healthy lunch, have a snack which might be a Gut Health smoothie and a piece of fruit, workout, have a protein rich dinner with veggies and then wind down with a sleep shot and warm shower. Rinse and repeat.
Stage 3: The messy middle
This might be 3 - 4 weeks into the process of change, where you are too far away to see the end but too far in to go back to the beginning. At this stage you full of self doubt and feel frustrated at the lack of progress ‘surely this should be easier’ and ‘surely I should have seen more progress by now’.
Perhaps you begin to discuss the changes with your friends and compare results, look around on the internet for alternative options, again driven by doubt and discomfort.
The only thing that can save you here is the discipline to do what you said you would and stay committed to the course.
Stage 4: The climb
Now you start to feel comfortable, this new lifestyle is easy. You survived the messy middle and came out unscathed. It's second nature now. You are in groove, consistently eating well, exercising and simply being disciplined.
You are now seeing the fruits of your labour and those around you are seeing it too and commenting positively on your new found health and fitness.
Stage 5: Arrival
You made it. You deserve to celebrate your success and reflect on the incredible work over the last few months. But don’t lose focus. Those positive changes can quickly unravel themselves.
Understanding the 5 stages of change can help you implement positive change into your life. Change is hard, but most people fail at the messy middle stage. So be disciplined and remain consistent to ride out that difficult period and remind yourself that the change will be worth it in the end.
Also remember to plan and prepare properly during the dream and leap stage to ensure that your actions, behaviours and environment is aligned with your goals and supportive of the journey you are about to embark upon.
Whatever you plan to change in 2025 we wish you all the best and if health changes are on your radar we have a host of natural, healthy options for you to select from.